Thursday 5 February 2009

Hi, I'm Claudia

Milian Claudia

My name is Milian Claudia, 16 years old. I am a sociable girl and I like making new friends. In my spare time I like going shopping or going out with my friends. My mail is and my messenger id is iza_xxl.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Town Hall

The building was developed by the architect Lechner Ödön in Budapest. The towe has 54 meters high, at the ornamentation you can see many Flemish Renaissance elements. From a red marble massive staircase lead up stair.s, where is an important festive hall.
Inauguration of the building took place in 1877, a year later was brought from Switzerland the clock that works today.

Orthodox Cathedral

The bedrock of the New Orthodox Cathedral of Arad called “Sfanta Treime” was put 15 years ago. It is an extremely valuable work, both spiritual and material. It is a monumental building, built in the Byzantine style in the shape of a cross, with a length of 61 m and 35 m wide at de bases and 25 m at the entrance, with an height of 61 m and can shelter over 4000 people. But the building is still in the finishing stage.

The Neptun Swimming Place

The swimming place is surrounded by the Mures river, on an area of 40 hectares of greenery. It is the second largest swimming place in Europe located near a flowing water. There are five pools ( a swimming pool, one for adults and three for kids with thermal water), more than 300 camping huts, over 100 clubs, restaurants, bars and entertaining locations. Also, there you can practice more sports like tennis, volleyball, roller-skates, running, and mini-football.
At night it became an attraction for the many known clubs. Yearly here come over 3,000,000 visitors.

The Ioan Slavici Theatre

In 1868, the leadership of the city decided to build the City Hall and the Theatre. Thus, in 1872 was started and completed in 1874. It is a neoclassical building with three levels, the main hall had a capacity of 1200 seats.
At the opening festivity Franz Jozef, the Emperor of the Austro Hungarian Empire also attended.
After seven years a fire destroyed the building. The rebuilding was made by Halmay Andor, and know the main hall has 562 seats and in 1959 after another fire the building was completely restored. The gable on the main façade was decorated with a bas-relief.
In 1967 inside the theater there was arranged a small show hall, known by the people as the “Studio” hall.

The Fortress of Arad

The Fortress of Arad was built by Maria Teresa’s demand, and it was built between 1763-1783 through the plans of Ferdinan Philipp Harsch.
The Fortress of Arad played an important role in the revolution in 1848-1849, being besieged for long time. From within the fortress the Austrian army bombed the city for 8 months with over 40.000 projectiles. Now the fortress is a museum and also accommodates a unit from the Romanian Army.

The Cutural Palace

The Cultural Palace is one of the most representative buildings for the visitors of our city. This impressive building was built between 1911-1913. The building displays a variety of styles. The Neoclassical style facade is ornated with a pediment supported by massive Corinthian columns , and above it there is a massive tower. The Side wings are dominated by elements of the Italian Renaissance style.

Arad - Historical and chronological dates

The year 1068 is the year when Arad is first recorded in historic documents. The old Dacian citadel was part Burebista’s state and after 106 was under roman occupation.
The Hungarian Kingdom stretched their domination on Arad in XI-th century, Arad was certified as a town in 1329.
The Ottomans conquered the city in 1552, it’s only period of independence was on the time when Michael the Brave lived.
In 1687 Arad is conquered by the Habsburg Empire, and in 1834 Arad won the independence.
The Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga compares Arad with Vienna during the documentation trip that he made in 1906.
In 1870 Arad was the most populated town in Transylvania, with a population over 32,000 inhabitants.
As a result of economic bloom there have appeared some important objectives as garments factory (1867), the gas factory (1868), the brick factory(1869), and the furniture factory (1878).
Arad was in full ascent after the Great Unification placing on fourth place in Romania in 1937, with more than 4,000 companies registered at the Chamber of Commerce.
New industries have developed with related structures like toy factory (1959), factory clocks (1960) and chemical plant (1971).

Hi, my name is Vesa Rafaela

Hi, my name is Vesa Rafaela and I'm 16 years old. I'm from Romania. My hobbies are football, cars and pets. I also have a passion for fashion and for dance. In my free time, I go out with my friends. I like to travel. I can't wait too see Italy!

My email address is:

Hey, my name is Naaji Laith

Hey, my name is Naaji Laith and I'm 16 years old. I am half Romanian, half Arabian from Jordan. My hobbies are sports such as football and tennis and many others. I like to spend my free time sitting on the internet, but in the same time I like going out with friends in town or going to the disco. I like listening to music a lot. Besides I like traveling and visiting new places because I can make new friends and see beautiful views. See you soon!!

My email address is:

Hi, it's me Edy

Hello, my name is Edy. I went to your school 2 years ago and I liked it very much. This is one of the main reasons why I want to come again. My hobbies are trains and everything about them and sports I like skiing. I hope to see you all soon.

My email address is:

Hi, my name is Cosmin Tanase

Hi, my name is Cosmin Tanase and I’m 17 years old. My hobby is reading books and spending my free time with my friends. The sport I like is Kung-Fu. I train a lot and I feel great when I’m doing it. I’m glad that I have the opportunity to visit Italy and meet new people in the same time. I always wanted to see that part of Europe. I hope we will talk soon. My email address is:

Hey I’m Cosmin Bahnean

Hey I’m Cosmin and I’m 17 years old. My hobbies are listening to music and Football because I’m playing it since I was very young as a goalkeeper. I love it very much and I want to make a career from it. I don’t have any brothers or sisters only my friends who I like to go out with in clubs and anywhere where we can have fun. I am sociable and I make friends very fast even if I am a little bad with English. I hope to see you all soon.
My email address is:

Hi, my name is Claudiu

Hi, my name is Claudiu but my friends call me Bebe. I'm 15 years and I'm Alexandra's little brother. My hobbies are playing football, hanging out with my friends and all kinds of stuff. I always like making new friends with any occasion so I hope to see you soon. Bye.

Hello, my name is Alex

Hello, my name is Alex Moca and I am 17 years old. My hobbies are football and music. I am as my friends who I’m coming to Italy with. We all are a team for a long time now. The entire time I’m staying home I’m on the Internet, listening to music or watching movies. Hope to hear from you soon. My email address is:

Hey I'm Alexandra

Hey, I'm Alexandra and I'm 16 years old. I like to have fun and I'm a person full of energy all the time. My friends mean a lot to me and I love to hang out with them a lot in clubs. I also like to travel that's one reason why I'm so excited to go to Italy and another one is to meet all of you. I get used to changes very easy. Talk later. My email address is:

